Employment Law
Resign First or Lodge Fair Work Claim?
I'm experiencing a difficult work situation and considering resigning. I also believe my employer has breached Fair Work laws. Should I lodge a c...
What are the immediate steps the employee can take to respond to the injunction order and prepare for the show-cause meeting, even without a lawyer?
An employee in Australia on approved medical leave has been served with an injunction order by their employer. The employer alleges misuse of confiden...
What are the minimum employment rights for workers in Australia?
Can you explain the minimum employment rights and entitlements for workers in Australia?...
How does unfair dismissal work in Australia?
What constitutes unfair dismissal in Australia and what are the legal remedies available?...
What are the rules around workplace discrimination in Australia?
What laws govern workplace discrimination in Australia and what protections do employees have?...
How are employee entitlements like leave and overtime regulated in Australia?
What are the legal requirements for leave entitlements and overtime pay for employees in Australia?...
What are the legal requirements for an employment contract in Australia?
What must be included in an employment contract to comply with Australian law?...
How does the Fair Work Commission assist employees and employers in Australia?
What role does the Fair Work Commission play in resolving employment disputes and ensuring fair work practices in Australia?...
What are the legal obligations for workplace health and safety in Australia?
What are the key legal obligations for employers regarding workplace health and safety in Australia?...
How can employees address workplace bullying in Australia?
What steps can employees take to address workplace bullying and what legal protections are available in Australia?...
What are the rules regarding redundancy and severance pay in Australia?
What are the legal requirements for redundancy and severance pay for employees in Australia?...
How are workplace disputes resolved in Australia?
What mechanisms are available for resolving workplace disputes in Australia?...
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