Turner Freeman Lawyers
New South Wales was the birthplace of Turner Freeman in 1951.
From humble beginnings, a one man office in George Street, Sydney, Roy Turner was instrumental in building the firm's foundations and implementing a strong ethical spirit that the firm still proudly follows.
Turner Freeman is now a national law firm. With fifteen partners and 135 staff located in eleven offices across the country we lead the field in providing advice in all forms of compensation, family law, industrial and employment law disputes and litigation in those areas.
Our lawyers who provide business legal services are available to assist with all types of commercial transactions and litigation as well as wills and estate planning, property and conveyancing.
For over 50 years Turner Freeman has represented thousands of claimants in Australia and in foreign courts. The firm has retained its proud tradition for helping people to access and prosecute their legal rights.
If you would like specific information about the legal services we can provide contact your nearest Turner Freeman office.
Commercial Law, Family Law, Emloyment And Industrial Relations Disputes, Compensation, Litigation, Property & Conveyancing.
Turner Freeman Lawyers is located in the Adamstown area of NSW.